Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I am feeling like I am in two places today. A big part of me is in a kindergarten classroom at Cartoogechaye Elementary this morning. My little Leavesy started school today and couldn't be happier; that's an understatement. When I woke him up this morning he said, "First day of school!" and bounded out of his top bunk. He was ready for me to leave him long before I was ready to go. I can't really figure out why this is so hard for me. I always loved school, and I know he will, too. He is a curious little boy (who recently asked me if bones are rigid, and if they are, how do we bend our arms and fingers...) and I think he will do really well in school, but I find myself clinging a little. Maybe it's partly because I got left on the playground my first day of kindergarten and was still wandering the school when my mom came to get me. Although, my son's sense of direction is already better than mine. Maybe it's because I can't help but think ahead to next year, when it will be the Bug who starts kindergarten. I knew these days were coming, but they snuck up on me. I am grateful for all of the time I got to spend with them at home and I'm really trying to be excited about this next stage we're going through.

1 comment:

  1. It is totally normal for you to be torn! But he is going to be just fine! I really think you are going to really love this stage as a mommy because he is going to be coming home everyday with new questions about things you may or may not know this answers to. This stage has provided our family with lots of comedic material from just these kinds of situations!! ;) It sounds like he is already so curious about things and that will serve him well. I am going to call it now for the record... top of his Kindergarten class this year. Just sayin'.
    We will all be anxious to know how he did, so blog on, girl!
    Love ya!
