Wednesday, January 5, 2011

On the new year

I love the word "new." It conjures feelings of pure freshness, like a downy chick, and a crisp apple, and a piece of white paper with no mistakes yet. I realize this is slightly Michael Scott of me, but I love the potential of an empty page of cardstock. I am incredibly inspired by the clean slate that each new year brings. So, here is my to do list for 2011:

Learn to play at least three real songs on my guitar, instead of just randomly playing the five chords I know.

Clean out my basement. This might actually take all year.

Eat more fresh, healthy foods. I always forget how much I love to cook until I make myself do it, so I'm determined to find lots of tasty recipes to try this year.

Dream with God and find the courage to follow those dreams.

Learn to hula hoop.

Finish all the knitting projects I've started.

Be a good mom. Listen to my children. Help them find their strengths. Encourage and build them up. Make sure they know exactly how amazing and wonderfully-created they are.

1 comment:

  1. ok, i didn't even make it past the first paragraph without seeing three things i love! crisp apple, a piece of white paper with no mistakes yet & a reference to "the office." i'm in love.
