Monday, September 20, 2010

Me: Ugh, I hope the kitchen fairy turns up to clean this mess.
Levi: The kitchen fairy? Is that real?
Me: I guess we'll just have to wait until the morning.
Levi the next morning: The kitchen fairy came!

This might not be that extraordinary except that Levi is a true skeptic. When he was 3, he asked me if Santa Claus was real. When he found a dollar under his pillow where his tooth used to be, he told me that he knew I put the money there. But the kitchen fairy seemed plausible to him. Presents in a stocking? Had to be Mom. Money under a pillow? Definitely Mom. A clean kitchen? Fairies are the only explanation.

1 comment:

  1. Naturally...of course fairies are most definitely the only plausible explanation.
    haha this is too cute. :D
