Sunday, December 5, 2010

I am absolutely in love with my kids. I realize that is basically the theme of this blog, but for some reason I felt it needed to be said. Due to my recent injury (it's a really cool story involving rock climbing, falcons, men on horses, and chasing blue sky, but this isn't the place for it) I am supposed to stay off my feet this weekend. Without my two monchichis to help me out and entertain me I would have gone completely crazy. They somehow manage to both challenge and encourage me. They provide constant insights into how I am viewed by my heavenly parent, and amaze me with their unending faith. They can ALWAYS make me laugh. In fact, that skill has gotten them out of a lot of trouble. I love my partners in silliness and I am so grateful that I get to be their mom.


  1. This is gonna be a silly comment if it works.. but I love you so much. (: And you are so blessed by those precious kids. <3

  2. you too! and I definitely am!
