Sunday, December 12, 2010

Levi and Cora: Hooray the snow! It snowed! Snow!
Cora: Seriously, Mom, look outside. It snowed.
Me: ugh.
Levi: Are we going to get to play in it?
Me: Yes (a little confused, they always get to play in it)
Levi: But you hate it.
Me: I love you much more than I hate snow.

I don't really hate snow. It is very pretty. I love how it mutes the outside sounds and covers everything up with beautiful glistening white. But snow melts. And gets into my socks. And it is so cold! I will bundle up my amazing children, put on my brave face and stay out in it as long as I can, with their smiles and the promise of warm beverages to keep me going.


  1. "and gets in to my socks." hahaha...i hate that!

  2. Today, I asked Timothy why we didn't get out and play in the snow. He said it was too cold. LAME. :D Tomorrow I will play in the snow.
